ECWM7 hotel recommendation: HOTEL LUTECIA
Upon several requests a group booking was made for this event at Hotel Lutecia which is a four star hotel situated at walking distance from LNEC (aprox. 15 min walk).
The rooms are pre-reserved till 3rd February 2014. After this date all rooms not sold will be released; future reservations will be subjected to Hotel availability.
All rooms must be booked and paid directly by each guest (guaranteed with credit card) making reference to ECWM7.

Pre-booked DATES:
09-12/03/2014 - (same rates apply for dates just before and/or after the pre-booked ones, upon availability)

Group ECWM7 – block: city rooms BB
City single room with buffet breakfast included – 57€ per room / per night
City double room with buffet breakfast included – 62€ per room / per night
City triple room with buffet breakfast included – 90€ per room / per night
The prices are NET and have VAT included.


hotel lutecia

LNEC’s guest centre / STUDENT accomodation
LNEC houses in its campus a Guest Centre for trainees, scholarship holders, guests and participants in meetings, seminars, projects and any other events or activities organized by LNEC. A small number of rooms is therefore available at very convenient prices for students attending ECWM7. Details are available here.
Make your reservation directly to

lnec guest centre